Bagel Fund

What is Bagel Fund? We're a friend group in tech that wants to support young people working on important problems with scrappy solutions.

We give microgrants ($100-500) to ambitious young builders.

Working on something cool and need some non-dilutive ideation capital? Fill out this short form. We'll get back to you via email if it's a good fit.

To date, we've funded:

  • Tawheed, 14, low-cost robotic prosthetic hands
  • Opemipo, 17, real-time macronutrient tracking for hydroponics
  • Lewis, 14, 6-axis robotic arm to assist builders
  • Lauren, 20, EMG/EEG device for non-verbal communication
  • Siddharth, 20, affordable autonomous micro drone swarms
  • Neerav, 17, small solar-powered planes that fly forever
  • Anirudh, 17, controllers for soft robots for surgery
  • In-Woo, 18, clinical decision-support tool for pharmacists
  • Maxwell, 13, radio tracking for high-altitude balloons
  • Saras, 17, on-ear heart attack detection wearable
  • Carlos, 19, novel chemical processes for mine waste repurposing
  • Ashna, 17, novel CRISPR delivery method in plants
  • Charles, 14, building high-altitude UAVs
  • Mason, 18, making a 2-octave electric piano
  • Harish, 15, energy-saving smart home platform
  • Santiago, 21, 4-wheel independent steering car
  • Yash, 19, creating a computer from scratch
  • Sunir, 19, building self-driving RC cars
  • Aaryan, 16, using computer vision to detect falls in elder care
  • Advait, 18, building Teleoperation robots
  • Arielle, 20, working on Apple Tree cloning
  • Winston, 17, increasing AI literacy for students K-12

Reach out to Ari and Alexa if you have questions about your application. Bagel Fund was founded by:

Want to help us make young people's dreams come true? Become a donor.

Donate $53

Recurring donation funding the next generation of builders


Donate $105

Recurring donation funding the next generation of builders


Donate $208

Recurring donation funding the next generation of builders


Your donations are 100% tax deductible thanks to our partner 501(c)3 nonprofit with EIN 99-1405564. Thank you for supporting young builders working on important problems with scrappy solutions.

Looking for other ways to support? Become a grantee advisor instead.

Advisors offer their time once a quarter to advise a grantee working on a project within their expertise and asyncrhously offer to review applicants applying with deeply technical, regulatory, or specific industry knowledge that Bagel Team may not know how to assess.

Become An Advisor

Bagel Fund is a fiscally sponsored 501(c)3 nonprofit. EIN: 99-1405564.

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